Progress on the New Truckee Regional Library


Group 4 Architecture, in collaboration with JKAE Architecture, is excited to move to the next phase of work for the Truckee Regional Library. This project embodies a forward-thinking vision rooted in community feedback and local history. As detailed in a recent article from the Sierra Sun, this project is more than just the construction of a new library; it’s a community-driven initiative that is re-imagining what a library can be for Truckee.

The new Truckee Library is being designed with the feedback received to date in mind, and balancing the traditional role of libraries with dynamic programming and functioning as a hub for fostering creativity, resilience, and community engagement. With a deep respect for Truckee’s rich history, connection to the natural environment, and diverse community the new Library will honor the past while embracing the future.

The vision for this library aligns with the evolving role of modern libraries across the world. Today’s libraries are increasingly becoming centers of knowledge, cultural exchange, and wide-ranging activities, and the Truckee Regional Library is set to be a shining example. The design process has been deeply influenced by community feedback with over 1500 participants in the first round of engagement, ensuring that the library will meet the immediate needs of Truckee residents while also being adaptable to future challenges.

We are excited to continue to develop the design and continue engaging with the community to realize their aspirations for a new library. Follow Friends of the Truckee Library, JKAE, and Group 4 for updates.