Foster City Recreation Center Rebuild Moves Forward with City Council Approval


Foster City takes its final step to realize their vision for a new recreation center.  Last week, the City Council unanimously voted to award the construction contract to BHM Construction. Having received favorable bids, the Council direction included sustainable features for the project that supports the City’s updated climate action plan goals.

This significant milestone for the project comes just 20 months after Group 4 started working with the Community and City staff to craft their vision.

A Vision for the Future

The new Foster City Recreation Center is being reimagined as a cornerstone of the community, with a focus on fostering connection, wellness, and sustainability. The project’s vision is to create a welcoming and inclusive space that reflects the needs of the diverse Foster City population. Designed with modern amenities and features, the facility will support a wide range of recreational, educational, and cultural activities that enhance the quality of life for all residents.

Key goals of the project include:

  • Community Engagement and Connection: The center will serve as a vibrant gathering place where people of all ages can participate in community events, classes, and activities. Special attention is being paid to providing spaces that promote interaction, collaboration, and lifelong learning.
  • Health and Wellness: The design includes features that encourage physical activity and well-being, such as flexible spaces for fitness, sports, and outdoor programs. The facility will also integrate nature and outdoor elements to enhance mental and physical health.
  • Sustainability and Resilience: Emphasizing environmental stewardship, the new facility will incorporate sustainable building practices and materials, with a focus on energy efficiency and minimizing the carbon footprint. The Recreation Center is designed to function as a heating and cooling shelter, ensuring readiness for community safety during times of crisis.

This holistic vision ensures that the new Foster City Recreation Center will be a lasting asset, fostering community growth and well-being for decades to come.

For more updates and information about hours + operations during construction, visit