CCFC Award for Chabot College


The Library and Learning Connection is taking a stand to disrupt the
narrative of neutrality

Community College Facility Coalition honors Chabot College Library and Learning Connection project with the Award of Excellence for Project in Design.

The planning process for the new Library and Learning Connection focused on “non-traditional” students, who are becoming the norm in community colleges. These students bring diverse cultural assets and lived experiences that disrupt the traditional narrative of library and learning neutrality, and inspire re-imagined library environments. A collaborative, multidisciplinary planning process engaged these students as well as library and District leadership, Learning Communities representatives, and the campus community-at-large.

The architectural design celebrates the radial geometry of the 1960s-era campus plan. The new Library and Learning Connection rises above its neighboring two-story buildings to create a striking beacon in the heart of the campus. Inside the building, the intersecting geometries of the campus pathways inspire unique settings for gatherings of all sizes, from one-on-one tutoring to commencement events. Ample interior glazing enhances transparency and expresses the Library and Learning Connection’s collaborative nature.

Group 4 Architecture shares this honor with HMC Architects and the rest of the talented design and engineering team.  Rudolph and Sletten will be building the project.  Swinerton is providing construction management services.  Big shout outs to the students, faculty, staff, administrators, and District leadership for being such amazing collaborators.


Atrium looking west to social stair and learning communities

Great reading room